Why you should go out of your comfort zone and explore more

this ❤

flowers in antarctica

After being so stressed out mentally and emotionally over the past few months, I realized that I need to take a break from the city life. I want to relax and not be disturbed by anyone. I want to be away from so many people. I want someplace to think.

So I spent the weekend at my dad’s place in Ruwais which is a three-hour drive away from where I’m staying and four when you’re using public transportation. (Wala pang traffic ‘yun.) It is a place away from the crazy city – the place where I never knew I’d find serenity.

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I didn’t really like staying in Ruwais before. I would always say that there’s not much to see and do (because there really isn’t; it only has one mall, a few restaurants, and some parks, but that’s just it) and it’s extremely far away from the city. I wanted…

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